ELFs / Kino Monoplexx

The Lost King

Do., 18. Januar 2024
20:00 Uhr
€ 10,-

An amateur historian defies the academic establishment in her efforts to find King Richard III’s remains, which were lost for over 500 years.

THE LOST KING is the life-affirming true story of a woman who refused to be ignored and who took on the country’s most eminent historians, forcing them to think again about one of the most controversial kings in England’s history.

“Hawkins breathes tremulously vulnerable life into a character who overcomes apparently insurmountable obstacles to prove to the world that she deserves to be taken seriously. The Lost King is an underdog story that proves a perfect vehicle for Hawkins’s reliably winning screen presence.” Mark Kermode – Observer

Englische Originalfassung mit Englischem Untertitel
UK 2022; 108 min.; Director: Stephen Frears
Cast: Sally Hawkins, Shonagh Price, Helen Katamba a. o.

Come early, ab 19.15 h Live-Musik mit Platform 2! 


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