Musik Kultur St. Johann
ELFs / Kino Monoplexx

The Great Escaper

Do, 11. Juli 2024
20:00 Uhr
€ 10,-

Bernard Jordan escapes from his care home to attend the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings in France.

Navy veteran Bernard Jordan missed the boat when it came to applying to attend the 70th anniversary of the D-day landings. But, encouraged by his wife, Rene (the late Glenda Jackson in her final role), he decides to make the trip under his own steam, absconding from his care home in Hove with his essentials in a blue plastic bag.

The film is unexpectedly melancholic, with Caine delivering a gruffly heartbreaking performance as a man belatedly confronting crippling survivor’s guilt and the knowledge that the psychological wounds sustained in battle never fully heal.

“A moving story and terrific performances from Caine and Glenda Jackson, in her final role, lift this melancholy real-life tale of a pensioner’s escapade in France” – Wendy Ide – The Guardian

Englische Originalfassung mit Englischem Untertitel
UK 2023; 96 min.; Director: Oliver Parker
Cast: Michael Caine, Glenda Jackson, Graeme Dalling a. o.


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