Two lifelong friends find themselves at an impasse when one abruptly ends their relationship, with alarming consequences for both of them.
Set on a remote island off the west coast of Ireland, the story follows lifelong friends Padraic and Colm, who find themselves at an impasse when Colm unexpectedly puts an end to their friendship. A stunned Padraic, aided by his sister Siobhan and troubled young Dominic, endeavours to repair the relationship. But his repeated efforts only strengthen his former friend’s resolve and when Colm delivers a desperate ultimatum, events swiftly escalate, with shocking consequences.
“It’s a lyrical film full of rich language and irony that stays with you. The performances are all remarkable, the cinematography bewitching and the musical score seals the deal.” – IMDb Critic

Englische Originalfassung mit Englischem Untertitel
UK/USA 2022; 114 min.; Director: Martin McDonagh
Cast: Colin Farrell, Barry Keoghan, Kerry Condon a. o.

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