ELFs / Kino Monoplexx

My Sailor, My Love

Do., 20. März 2025
20:00 Uhr
€ 10,-

A story about a guilt-affected daughter-father relationship, but also a love story between two elderly people, proving that a new beginning is never too late.

Howard, a retired sea captain, refuses any help from his daughter Grace. When she hires Annie as domestic help for him, Howard initially rejects any help from Annie, but gradually the pair begin to bond, and Howard considers opening his heart to love. He gives all his affection to Annie and her family, but rejects his own daughter.

Beautifully nuanced performances underpin an interesting drama that evolves from late-life romance into study of family trauma across generations

What begins as a light-hearted autumnal romance gradually evolves into a thorny study of familial grievances. In subverting the archetype of the lovable curmudgeon who can be redeemed by female companionship, My Sailor, My Love traces how male cruelty runs deeper than a mere matter of temperament. This complexity is largely conveyed through the beautifully nuanced performances from the accomplished cast – Phuong Le – The Guardian

Englische Originalfassung mit Englischem Untertitel
FI/IRL 2022; 103 min.; Director: Klaus Härö
Cast: James Cosmo, Bríd Brennan, Catherine Walker a. o.


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