ELFs / Kino Monoplexx


Do., 17. April 2025
20:00 Uhr
€ 10,-

A social worker in recovery and a widower with dementia grapple with the past in Mexican director Michel Franco’s affecting drama

Sylvia is a social worker who leads a simple and structured life. This is blown open when Saul follows her home from their high school reunion. Their surprise encounter will profoundly impact both of them as they open the door to the past.

Sylvia, played by Jessica Chastain, is a social worker and care worker, a single mother with a smart teenage daughter, Anna (Brooke Timber). She is a recovering alcoholic and has been sober 13 years – as long as her daughter has been alive.

Jessica Chastain and Peter Sarsgaard excel in Michel Franco’s absorbing story about the unnerving reunion of a care worker and a friend from her past. It has the same piercing clarity as Franco’s other films, and two exceptionally intelligent leading performances. – Peter Bradshaw  – The Guardian

Englische Originalfassung mit Deutschem Untertitel
MEX/US 2023; 103 min.; Director: Michel Franco
Cast: Jessica Chastain, Peter Sarsgaard, Brooke Timber a. o.


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